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318i TC BAUR M3
Forgive me for dont knowing English, I'm from croatia, so I know only croatian and English. I bought recently 318i TC BAUR M3 1990year, 100kW,
and I am making some research about car.

Can you please tell me somethnig you know? Like possible price, history of these cars ond so. I am whole new here so I really dont know anything.

Thanks, guys!

P.s. I found lots of 318i tc baurs of 1990, but didnt find any 318i tc baur m3 from that year, is there some reason for that, and what is difference between them. Thanks.

M3 Baur? I don't know exactly what you mean, but there was only one M3 Baur TC build. Do you mean that your car has sixteen valves, and therefore is a 318iS (just like the M3 4 cilinders and 16 valves, but smaller)?

Gr Jeroen
[*]323i Baur TC2 B43403-14 ‘85
[*]320i Baur TC2 B43420-13 ‘85
[*]325iX Baur TC2 B47095-13 ´87
[*]325iX Baur TC2 B47172-13 ´87
Hello Cyrano !

Zitat:318i TC BAUR M3 1990year, 100kW,

That isn't possible. The 318i and the M3 are two completely different cars (113 PS vs. about 200 PS). It would be very helpful, if you could post some photos of your car, please...

Best regards to croatia

Wer säuft, sündigt. Wer trinkt, betet.
I just bought it last week, I'll post some photos next week.

I'll try to describe it. It is for sure 318i. From the side is tc baur writting and on the front of the car is M/// something like that... in some colors...

car is in great shape, just 120.000 km...

well, that's it what I know currenty..

best wishes to germany.. specialy on this world cup..

I have lots of relatives in whole germany
OK, then its more clear now. The M-Badge in your Frontgrill is only "Design", it has nothing to do with the motor. So its a "normal" 318i machine, not an M3...

Some other guys here can tell you even more about your car, i think...


PS: We'll get the cup... Sonne
Wer säuft, sündigt. Wer trinkt, betet.
Ok, thanks Tobi...

You'll maybe won the cup, but you'll need to front us to do that


..but, you know what, if you won the cup, I'm calling you to spend the summer in croatia..

I'll thanks the guys for any help about car..

and just one question, does baur work with other car types... for instance if I have some american car, can they made a cabrio/targa from him?
Ako li hoces pitati na hrvatski nema problema. Ja cu prevesti Zwinker
Es gibt Automobile, die fährt man, weil man es sich leisten kann. Einen BMW leistet man sich, weil man fahren kann.
E hvala ti, ma samo sam htio pitat neš o autu, volim aute pa me zanima..

ako možeš prevest prvo pitanje bio bih ti zahvalan, da mi kažu općenito o autu, cijenu otprilike i tako.

Otkud ti u NJemačkoj? Već si dugo tamo ili tek otišao?
thanks Smile
Koliko ja znam su svi BAUR TC naknadno od firme BAUR preuredeni BMW-i. Dosta su trazeni, iako ne tako kao normalni cabriolet od tipe e30. Ako imas stvarno 100kW, znaci 136 ks imas jako trazen motor. To je 318iS, 16V sa 2 radilice. Takvi auti u dobroj kondiciji kod nas kostaju oko 5000,- eura.
Ako imas slike od auta stavi u internet pa nam pokazi.

Ja sam iz Hamburga. Roden sam i u Hamburgu, ali imam rodake u Zagrebu tako da mi hrvatski jos donekle ide.

Es gibt Automobile, die fährt man, weil man es sich leisten kann. Einen BMW leistet man sich, weil man fahren kann.
Jos nesto. 318iS-Motori su malo senzibilni sta se tice visokih okretaja u hladnom stanju. Pazi uvjek na to i naravno na dobro ulje svakih 10.000 kilometara. Ulje 10-40 je dosta, glavno da je od poznatog proizvodaca. Neznam kak je ina ali sa recimo castrolom nemozes pogrijesiti.

Es gibt Automobile, die fährt man, weil man es sich leisten kann. Einen BMW leistet man sich, weil man fahren kann.
e hvala ti najljepša, ma auto je zbilja u super kondiciji, čim ga slikam staviti ću slike, pa da vidite.. samo je malo oštećen stražnji dio krova, baš me zanima, koliko bi došlo otprilike popravak ili kupnja novoga..

mislim doć u munchen za vrijeme SP-a, pa možda i uzmem usput neke sitnice za auto. Imaš li šta za preporučiti što bi dobro došlo u svezi njega, neka nadogradnja ili tako što. Hvala za savjet za ulje, poslušat ću ga.

nego, dolaiš li u Hrvatsku? Na ljetovanje ili ovako?

Saznao sam neš o Bauru, našao sam na netu, postat ću vam u sljedećoj poruci, možda vam da neke korisne informacije.
I have found somethnig about Baur surfing on net. Most interesting was this article. Have look at it, maybe it will be useful to some of you.

Baur is the carrosserie (or as Baur prefers- Karosserie) or coachbuilder in
Stuttgart which has been building BMW convertibles since the 30's. They
began in 1910 and produced, among others, 1682 1600-2 Cabriolets, 200 2002
Cabriolets, 2597 700 Sport Cabriolets and most of the 450 or so M1's (after
Lamborghini couldn't fulfill it's contractural obligations). In 1971 they
began production of the safer "targa" style body with the 2002 and
continued with the E21 3 series body with full factory authorization. The
roll-bar version or "Top Cabrio" (TC) continued with the E30 even after
Baur developed the design for BMW of the E30 Convertible, which they do not
build. These TC cars can be built for the owner at any time as they are
done after-market, you supply the car. The Baur family recieved a patent
for the design of a folding top for luxury automobiles about the time BMW
was building the first car with the BMW name. They enjoy an excellent
reputation for qualilty and do prototype work for many manufacturers such
as Porsche, Audi and Ford. Interestingly enough, all Porsche 959's were
actually produced at Baur, not at Porsche, on an assembly line with Porsche
inspectors overseeing the finished bodies. Most of Porsche's "special
wishes" dept. leather work was also done by the workers at Baur. At one
time all suspension components for the Audi Quattro suspension unique to
that model were produced by robot welding equipment at Baur. It is also my
guess that the California version 318ti with ridiculous rag-top sunroof
must also be a Baur creation, as I have seen their version of an E36 4dr
with the same roof.
Cijene u Hrvatskoj za popravak cabrio-krova su sigurno ispod nasih. Nov krov sa montazom dode kod nas preko 1000,- eura. Cijena Popravaka je od kvalitete ovisna. Nemam puno iskustva sta se toga tice. Moj BMW je limuzina sa dvoje vrata a kao cabrio imam mazdu MX-5 kod kojeg jos do sad nisam morao mijenjati krov.

Sta se tice neke dodatne opreme: Savjet koji ti bih svi ovdije u klubu dali je: Ostavi ga kakav je - znaci original! Vrijednost i kvaliteta ce se stime povecati sa vremenom. Protiv lijepih felga nista ne govori dok se nemora nesto na karoseriji promijeniti kao blatobrane preraditi i tako dalje. Ima puno e30 koji su dotjerani manje ili vise ukusno - originalni e30 postaju vise i vise rijetki.

U ljetu sam obicno u hrvatskoj. U Zagrebu ili na moru oko krka. Dali cu ove godine jos neznam. Vidjet cu.
Es gibt Automobile, die fährt man, weil man es sich leisten kann. Einen BMW leistet man sich, weil man fahren kann.
Interessant Achtung, Ironie
BMW ist nicht alles, aber Spass machts trotzdem.
Ja ehrlich Gunna....wery internäschenel unser Club Fettes Grinsen Achtung, Ironie
Wo andere aufgeben, fangen wir erst an
Das kann ich so bestätigen, finds aber eher positiv, auch wenn ich mal
net vertsteh was gesagt wird.

Ich darf dafür aber alles essen Zwinker
BMW ist nicht alles, aber Spass machts trotzdem.
ja ach war blos das was ihm hier jeder erzählt hätte auf deutsch.
Es gibt Automobile, die fährt man, weil man es sich leisten kann. Einen BMW leistet man sich, weil man fahren kann.
Coole AKtion. Hab kein Wort verstanden Fettes Grinsen

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