Foren-System von BMW 3er-Club (E21/E30) e.V. und BMW Baur TC Club e.V.

Normale Version: Winterspass-Rätsel Nr. 10
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Hallo Freunde des BMW (und des Golf und Peugeot GTI *grins*),

diesmal soll doch der Rechner im Internet erraten, welchen Gegenstand Ihr Euch ausdenkt.
Es hat es auch richtig gemacht !

Aber wie ? Guckmal einige von die mögliche Fragen und was er denkt:-

"You were thinking of a car wash.
Is it made of plastic? You said Partly, I say Doubtful.
Can you buy it? You said Maybe, I say No.
Contradictions Detected
It does not matter if our answers disagree, as over time the game will change its answers to reflect common knowledge. If you feel that the game is in error, the only way to fix it is to play again.

Similar Objects
a gas station, a vending machine, a taxicab, a gas pump (for filling a car), a car, a helicopter, a blender, a sport utility vehicle, a supermarket, an oil drilling rig, suntan lotion, an aircraft carrier.

Uncommon Knowledge about a car wash
Does it come in many varieties? I say Doubtful.
Can you eat it? I say Probably.
Can it be washed? I say No.
Do you know any songs about it? I say Yes.
Is it straight? I say Yes.
Does it store information? I say Probably.
Can it be refilled? I say No.
Is it a tool? I say Yes.
Do you use it at night? I say No.
Does it contain a lot of water? I say Yes.
Can it jump? I say Yes.
Can you open it? I say No.
Is it a specific color? I say Probably.
Is it a body part? I say Yes.
Does it have four legs? I say Probably.
Can you recycle it? I say Probably."
@Manfred - Top Link - hier kann ich Stunden lang rumspeilen !

"Uncommon Knowledge about a wardrobe
Do you use it at night? I say Doubtful.
Would you be lost without it? I say Probably.
Do you clean it regularly? I say No.
Does it provide protection? I say No.
Does it break if dropped? I say Probably.
Does it provide shade? I say Doubtful.
Does it live in African grass lands? I say Yes.
Do you use it when it rains? I say Doubtful.
Can it be stolen? I say Probably.
Does it have striped fur? I say Yes.
Is it delivered? I say Yes.
Is it warm? I say Doubtful.
Does it have keys? I say Doubtful.
Can it protect you from the rain? I say No.
Does it like to play? I say Probably.
Is it very, very expensive? I say No."
car wash
"Can you eat it? I say Probably. "

uppps????? But if most of people think so, let us try *lol*
TeeHeeHee (aber irgendwie schafft es, die richtige Antwort zu finden Fettes Grinsen ):-

"Uncommon Knowledge about a die-cast car
Does it involve contact with other humans? I say Yes.
Is it white? I say Yes.
Does it have a horn? I say Probably.
Does it move air? I say Yes.
Does it have feet? I say Probably.
Can it fit in an envelope? I say Yes.
Does it communicate? I say Probably.
Can you make sounds with it ? I say Yes.
Does it smell sweet? I say Probably.
Is it slippery? I say Yes.
Is it delivered? I say Probably.
Does it make noise? I say Yes.
Does it live in the jungle? I say Probably.
Is it cold? I say Yes.
Would you eat its fruit? I say Yes.
Does it have lots of seeds? I say Yes
Aber nicht immer:-

"I am guessing that it is something?" Doh !! Fettes Grinsen
Ich habe gerade gegen die Maschine gewonnen!

"Hubschrauber" hat das Programm nach 18 Fragen erraten, aber bei "Heckrotor" musste es passen.
Fettes Grinsen
@ freeman

kam aber bei 18 auf Propeller, was ja nicht sooooo falsch ist Fettes Grinsen
Geht ja garnicht. Nach 22 Fragen (und einem falschen Tipp) wusste das ding das ich eine Fernbedienung meine.

Das versuche ich nochmal!
Juhuu, das ding kennt Axt nicht!