Foren-System von BMW 3er-Club (E21/E30) e.V. und BMW Baur TC Club e.V.

Normale Version: tube
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Hallo! Smile

Zachem nugna trubka (tube) (Durchmesser 2.5 mm) dlya vaakuma na vpusknom kollektore ( 1)( ) M10 okolo Vergaser

Na etom risunke ne vidna Verwirrt

Fettes Grinsen Fettes Grinsen Fettes Grinsen Achtung, Ironie
Pokemon, maybe you could help youself and us a little bit by trying to ask the question also in english. Smile
On kollektor (1) .Is a TUBE are there (diametr 2.5 mm) near a Vergaser ( on picture we can't see a TUBE )

TUBE give a Vakuum .
For what need a TUBE ? Verwirrt
In my car a Tube dont use. And I think a TUBE is need
Ich bin zwar des Englischen leidlich mächtig, aber in diesem Fall hätte er es auch gleich in Russisch schreiben können ... Verwirrt
Ich habe es verstanden. Aber habe keine Ahnung was der Antwort ist, da ich kenn mir nur gut aus mit Triumph Delco-Remy Gulp oder Lucas Sonne Zundverteilern.

Pokemon wants to know what the vacuum tube (2.5mm) is for. His car doesn't have one, but he thinks it is needed.


Old Distributors commonly use two methods to advance the ignition timing:
1) Sprung weights, that fly out under centifugal force - they adjust for the engine speed.
2) Vacuum advance - it takes into account how wide open the throttle is, and how hard the engine is sucking in air.

Modern cars adjust the timing through electronic control of the ignition system.
I see ... Zwinker
Zitat:Ich habe es verstanden. Aber habe keine Ahnung was der Antwort ist, da ich kenn mir nur gut aus mit Triumph Delco-Remy Gulp oder Lucas Sonne Zundverteilern.

Pokemon wants to know what the vacuum tube (2.5mm) is for. His car doesn't have one, but he thinks it is needed.


Old Distributors commonly use two methods to advance the ignition timing:
1) Sprung weights, that fly out under centifugal force - they adjust for the engine speed.
2) Vacuum advance - it takes into account how wide open the throttle is, and how hard the engine is sucking in air.

Modern cars adjust the timing through electronic control of the ignition system.

I have a tube but it isn' use now.

Tube is on the Ansaugleitung)

Do you think that tube for Zündverteiler ? Verwirrt

The link doesn't work for me
HÄ? Verwirrt

The part marked with a "red 1" is called "Ansaugleitung" in german. Upon the upper side, where part 10 is located, normally the carburetor is fitted. The Ansaugleitung of a BMW 518 and a 318 are the same.

The part has no relation to the Zündverteiler / distributor ...

ETK-Bildtafel 11-0808

Zitat:HÄ? Verwirrt

The part marked with a "red 1" is called "Ansaugleitung" in german. Upon the upper side, where part 10 is located, normally the carburetor is fitted. The Ansaugleitung of a BMW 518 and a 318 are the same.

The part has no relation to the Zündverteiler / distributor ...

ETK-Bildtafel 11-0808


Smile I understand that tube has no relation. Smile
For what a tube (2.5 mm) on Ansaugleitung near a vergaser is need ? Verwirrt
On picture Ansaugleitung a tube nichts sehen
Zitat:Pokemon, maybe you could help youself and us a little bit by trying to ask the question also in english. Smile

oder auf Deutsch?
Zitat:Ich bin zwar des Englischen leidlich mächtig, aber in diesem Fall hätte er es auch gleich in Russisch schreiben können ... Verwirrt

Zitat:Pokemon, maybe you could help youself and us a little bit by trying to ask the question also in english. Smile

oder auf Deutsch?

Try to learn Deutsch a little , reading your forum Smile
I Ilike Deutsch, but in school i learn English
Verwirrt Think use translator
to Kai and all Smile

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Ÿ âèäíî ñ äðóãîé ñòîðîíû.
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Zitat:and all
Herrje! Herrje! Verwirrt Zwinker

I still cannot get the link to the picture to work. Is it because I use Firefox ??
Nö, hab auch Firefox, sogar mit recht paranoiden Sicherheitseinstellungen, aber den Link funzt trotzdem.
Zitat:and all
Herrje! Herrje! Verwirrt Zwinker

I still cannot get the link to the picture to work. Is it because I use Firefox ??

I use Explorer 6.0 Verwirrt
I sand pictures to Kai
I do not know how put the picture in forum Verwirrt
Do you know ?
Seiten: 1 2