RE: 325ix BAUR - Pit-der Mohr - 16.11.2008
...zu allererst möchten auch wir der Familie Thormann unser Beileid ausdrücken !
Wir hatten uns schon gewundert, warum der Bernd nicht zum Jahrestreffen erschienen war + auch vor Ort die Organisatoren nach ihm befragt.
Aber da er nicht als Teilnehmer eingetragen war wusste niemand etwas.
Zum Auto :
...auch auf die Gefahr hin, das das hier einen faden Beigeschmack hat :
ich möchte euch bitten, nur bei echtem Interesse auf den Wagen zu bieten,
da er mir auch sehr gut gefällt ( ) + ich gerade schonmal das passende Kennzeichen reserviert habe.
Bei mir wäre der Wagen sehr gut aufgehoben.
Gruß, Pit
RE: 325ix BAUR - jekyll66 - 16.11.2008
Der Familie Thormann auch von meiner Seite aus mein Beileid.
Bernd Thormann hatte sich zurückliegend im internen "Kommunikationsthread" sehr engagiert geäußert und in diesem Zusammenhang auch mal einen Besuch bei mir in Aussicht gestellt...........leider ist es dazu nicht gekommen. Ich habe ihn leider nicht mehr persönlich kennengelernt.
Ich würde es begrüßen, sollte der iX in pflegenden Clubhänden bleiben............
GRuß Stephan
RE: 325ix BAUR - Rainer H - 16.11.2008
Zitat:...auch auf die Gefahr hin, das das hier einen faden Beigeschmack hat :
ich möchte euch bitten, nur bei echtem Interesse auf den Wagen zu bieten,
da er mir auch sehr gut gefällt ( ) + ich gerade schonmal das passende Kennzeichen reserviert habe.
Bei mir wäre der Wagen sehr gut aufgehoben.
Gruß, Pit
Das kann ich Dir nicht versprechen, Da ich mit meiner Frau gerade
Handelseinig geworden bin bei mir wäre Er auch gut aufgehoben
Ich schau mir Montag einen IS an! und dann entscheide ich !
Gruß Rainer
RE: 325ix BAUR - Mark.F - 16.11.2008
Auch mein aufrichtiges Beileid an die Familie.
Schade das man hier nicht erst mal versucht hat das Fahrzeug über den Club zu verkaufen Aber gut ich hoffe der Wagen bleibt doch in Clubhänden. Ich denke das wäre im Sinne von Bernd.
Gruß Mark
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Bernd hat mir mal gefragt sein Story auf mein Webseite zu veroffentliche. Leider habe ich nicht die Zeit genommen um alles aus zu arbeiten.
Zitat:On the way to a 325iX Baur TC
The Story of a life with BMW cars – On the way to being the owner of the ultra-rare Baur TC2 325iX.
Now being more than 4 years a BMW TC owner, I try to translate my original TC2 fotostory my into English language so that most of the readers can easily understand why I dig the BMW cars and especially the Baur TC2 325iX.
Even though writing a fotostory does take some time, it is presenting your car and is showing to others that Baur TC2 cars are to be kept in good condition and do make much joy.
I have not that much time, because I have to care for 2 Baur TC2 and another 4 E30 cars.
To understand some of my comments you should know that I started in 1971 with BMW cars
Epoch 1 (the wild years)
-BMW 1600-2 Alpina 1971-1976 chamonix white 085
-BMW 2002ti Alpina 1976-1996 chamonix white 085
Epoch 2 (highway years)
BMW 323i (E21) 1982-1987 ascot-grey metallic 151
Epoch 3 (more comfort)
BMW 528i 1987-1991 broncit-beige-met. 139
Epoch 4 (strange combination)
BMW 323iA (E30) 1994-1996 opal-green metallic 171
Couchmen 36ft 1996-1997 battle-ship grey na.
Epoch 5 (electronic years)
BMW 525tds (E34) 1996-1997 cirrusblue metallic 189
BMW 530iA Individual (E34) 2003-2004 amethyst-metallic 452
BMW 540i (E34) 1997-1998 sterlingsilver-met. 244
BMW 850 (E31) 1999-2003 diamondblack-met. 181
[b]Epoch 6 E30 (back to the roots)
BMW 316i Baur TC2 2003- lazurblue-metallic 294
BMW 325i/4 2004- salmonsilvermetal 203
BMW 325 ix Baur TC2 2004- salmonsilvermetal 203
BMW 325/2 ixA 2004-2007 lazurblue-metallic 294
BMW 325/2 ix 2005- cirrusblue-metallic 189
BMW 320i Touring 2006-2007 salmonsilvermetal 203
BMW 325iA/4 2006- alpinwhite II 218
BMW 325iA Touring 2007- brokatredmetallic 259
After ending my apprenticeship in 1969 I wanted to own a nice car at all cost. So I looked around for a . Opel Diplomat vintage 1965 (Chevrolet 283ci, 2-speed automatic and electric windows in laplata-silver, leather roof). This is such a car (1968 model with 327ci engine for reference).
My parents did not like my decision. I had to stand up some discussions like “how will you maintain this car” and “did you consider the thirst of such car when you are studying”. “What will your head of department say (for clarification: in such years in german concerns head of departments were driving normally Opel Rekord oder Ford Taunus 17m and not V8-engines).
Anyway, this did not hurt me – but my parents, so in the end they decided to sell their car to me.
It was a BMW 1600-2 Alpina.of 1967.
If they would have known what they did to me – I should stay with BMW for the rest of life.
Gr Jeroen
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Zitat:Epoch 6
Baur TC2 316i
After having reached the car heaven on earth with my BMW 850 (I wanted to keep this car till the end of my life in those years), in the end I decided to sell the car, because the car so perfect. For city driving, I owned a Ford Fiesta – but this was a miserable car and did not make much joy.
A better car must be bought to have at least some fun in city driving.
So I thought which car in my car-life had made a real impression on me.
Beside the 2002ti no doubt, it was 3-series of BMW.
The choice between E21 and E30 was easy.
In my opinion the standard E21 is not really a safe car. Only when installing an ALPINA-suspension the car will be a safe car. So I considered the E30 which I had liked as a 323i in automatic form quite well. It should replace the Ford Fiesta for city driving. A 4-cylinder engine should be enough with my very short trips in and around the City.
A Cabriolet was not suitable as the repair cost on damages of the roof were quite high.
An on the other hand the car was standing in the company parking lot for the whole day out in the weather.
One day I looked around in Ebay and saw a lazur-blue metallic 91’ 316i Baur TC2 with hardtop. Especially the hardtop was the option which suited me well for my purposes.
Accessories were quite scarce with no electric windows and such. Thus I could expect that the repair cost will not be excessive with this car.
With a car of an age of 12 years no further loss of value could be reasonably expected.
The color lazurblue-metallic was ok and the original grey interior quite well kept. The car was not too distant and thus pick-up was done easily.
With exactly these wheels the car was shown in Ebay, however not sold with them.
On a rainy day I got my car. In order to transport the hardtop I quickly learnt my first Baur lesson. The canvas top has to be dismantled and stowed inside the car. The hardtop was installed easily. All work was done within an hour.
The car had two women-owners, the seller as the third ownder was the only male.
The condition of the car both optically and technically was pretty ok.
Well, as with every used I bought the complete program was done by my BMW dealer.
(For explanation, I did not have that much time and expertise to do mechanical or electrical work myself).
Braking fluids (for safety)
Undercoating (for rust precaution)
Change of all oils (engine, transmission and rear differential (for longevity of the mechanics)
Powerful stance with its styling 10 wheels; they sure look good with this color.
Because the Options were scarce, some had options for convenience had to be added:
Bordcomputer BC1
better BMW-loudspeaker
Radio Becker Mexico
Automatic antenna
Later I detected that it did have some desirable works-options:
Power steering
M-sport suspension
Leather steering whell
Adjustable headlights (which were not present any longer)
rev counter
Repairs up to now:
New hydraulic lifters 2 months afer buying the car (they were not really necessary, but I felt better)
Brake pipings
By chance I could buy a very good blue cloth sport seats arrangement nearby in the Black Forest.
One day the grey carpet will be changed against a blue one which is waiting in the garage already.
I heard from the seller of these new seats, that the seats came out of a Baur TC2 325iX which had been crashed in the Black Forest.
Up to this moment I did not know that a 4-wheel drive BMW Baur had been built. He guessed that only a little number - around 10 cars - had been built (now we know better and exactly which number).
The advandtage of my Baur 316i was, that I now had a car, where I could drive everywhere with without fearing nasty people scratching cars or damges in the supermarket lot.
I like the car. It is inexpensive in maintenance and you enjoy all of the Baur features.
Essentually you own a car with four personalities (winter - in hardtop form, spring – opening to top hardtop oder the back window, summer – opening both, autumn – start closing the back window).
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Zitat:Baur TC2 325iX
Now when I knew, that there had been Baur TC2 325iX been built, I had to buy one.
But where to get one without stealing when they are so rare?
My BMW dealer had agreed a month before to convert my 316i (but they did not really consider the differences of a 325iX vs. the other E30 cars), even though I knew that a converted car would not have the value of an original car. And the money it would cost would be ridiculous high.
Then a lucky coincidence came to help.
A Baur 325iX was offered in Ebay in January 2003.
Looking at the pictures in Ebay, one could at least assume, that the car was not very rusty and was cared for.
Unfortunately it was not original. In the meantime two König-race-seats and front and rear upper strut bars as reinforcement had been installed.
On the other hand a 210 hp engine was there and it was not lowered which is good for cvj-life of the axles.
Would others bid on the car and to which amount? Against my usual practice bidding late for items, I placed one the second day, so that the seller did not end the auction prematurely. I really got the willies in waiting for the end of the auction. Would another bid on the car? I was lucky and won the auction. But I did not have the car in my garage yet. Would the seller be correct or not?
Anyway, rushing to him and getting the car as early as possible was important for me. It was nearby (maybe 200 kms away). We sat a while in his house and talked on the car.
He knew that the car was used as a demonstrator by the (I forgot this but a member of the Baur TC Club remembers that he had driven the car in 1987). All the receipts of work carried out by the second owner and the service book came with the car.
The original seats were with the car, the exterior color was still original, which did confirm to me that the car was relatively well cared for in his life.
The car was built in December 1986 as a limousine with sunroof and was registered first time in July 1987 by the Baur company. The first private owner in October 1988 was the joint-owner of a well-known Stuttgart private school for economics. To my knowledge he bought the car, because he urgently needed a car to get to his house in the Alps in winter-time. Because this was urgent then in October 1988, he did not want to wait for a new car to be converted by Baur, but forced them to sell their demonstrator. He seems to own some other nice cars too, so it was not because of lack of money that he bought a used car (even though the Swabians are well known for their parsimony).
This owner had to rebuild the engine at the end of 1990 because of timing-belt trouble (the car was well serviced) . Thus he had a 2,7litre conversion installed with all the parts to end up at 210 hp DIN.
This first private owner drove the car up to 1996. The car was regularly serviced up to 1996 by the Autohaus Baur in Stuttgart, a parent company of the Baur factory.
Another two owners came, the last registered owner was a youngster which installed the König racing-seats. Money must have been in short supply, as I saw from the documentation from the registration office, that his insurance had not been paid.
My seller did buy the car from this youngster but did not register the car the next three years. The car was driven with a red number from time to time (as he did with his other cars). In 2003 he decided to resell the car.
No parking damages have been observed by me.
Posing with newer car on the island Reichenau – still an extraordinary car
Again the car got the full treatment (as I thought)
First the car came to the paint shop. They had to manage the task to clean the whole undercarriage und cover it and the cavities of the whole car with new underseal/wax.
They removed the front and rear upper strut bars as reinforcement in order to get a decent ex-works apperance. I do not drive that quickly that I would need those.
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Zitat:From front to back bumper the car was stripped and got new lacquer from the rubber strips downwards. Only one little sign of rust near the number-plate light was observed and rectified.
Within 2 weeks all this was done.
Back to the BMW dealer
Engine oil change including timing belt, checking valve clearances (it is not a M40)
Transmission oil change
Rear axle drive oil change
New to me was a change of oils in the front axle drive and Transfer Case
Exchange of all other belts
Exchange of fuel pipes
Repair to the adjustable headlights/washer
Conversion to EUR2 because of taxing expenses
Brand new front strut mounts, new Bilstein HD-dampers and springs
New power steering pump
New starter motor
The other meachnics including the clutch were ok.
But this was only the beginning There were still some improvement to be made:
Originally I handed the car over to the BMW daeler with the comment, that I do have some time and that they should do a good job.
They had to accomplish some tasks like the installation of a soundsystem, a Becker Mexico radio, the on board computer BC2, cruise control and air-conditioning.
The meeting with the Baur TC Club in Moers//Germany in May 2003 came nearer and the car was not ready! On the other hand there was still the 316i TC2 Baur.
The big problem was the air-condition unit. The whole dash was dismantled, the air-condition cooler already in place when the service dpt. told me: “this air-condition unit is for a series2 car and does not fit in a car built before because of changed electrics”.
I told them that this primitive air-condition unit (compared to the BMW 850) has only very little electric connections and it should be possible to adapt these.
Because they had no electric details how to do this, they decided to take all air-condition parts out of the car again. As an apology, the head of Service was on training in this time.
First time on tour to the Moers Baur TC meeting in 2003 which was a very hot summer without A/C.
Travel to Moers was nearly without problems, however in traffic jam the car overheated.
The reason was detected later as a bad fan clutch. Travel back without any problem because there was no traffic-jam. Even at top speed (225 km/h) no change from the normal coolant temperature. The problem only occured when driving slowly.
Gas consumption was pretty low for such a car with a travel speed of 140 – 150 km/h.
The high compression ratio of the engine (10,2) does help in this aerea.
It was a big mistake by BMW that they lowered the compression ratio so much in order to use no-lead gas of 91 octance.
So back to the Service Department:
The head of Service was back and I told him, that I will not pay for this unsuccessful trial of the A/C installation. But in the end he took it sporty and developed ambition and he offered to install an A/C unit from an older car in the backyard which was parted out.
In December 2003 the task was completed (took some 2 weeks of interrupted work).
Now I am again in the position that I can go to my car every month and put the A/C to work (works only above 5 degress centigrade),
I have nothing to do otherwise.
Here you can see the dashboard after successful A/C installation. Because of the changed camshaft the idle speed is now around 1000 rpms, which is substantially higher than with a standard engine.
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Zitat:What is surprising is the standard steering wheel covered with leather. This item has its origins from the Baur works.
The leathers seats again replaced the König racing seats. Together with the A/C they will not get hot in summer.
Here the car poses at rest on the island of Reichenau, an island in Lake Constance/Germany.
How does a Baur 325iX drive?
The Baur specialities
Well, compared with a BMW cabriolet, it is much quieter. I cannot see much difference to a limousine in noise when using the back hardtop.
Even though I have installed most of the time the rear winter hardtop, I can open the hardtop quickly when a short period of sun occurs. It will be stowed out of the way in the trunk leaving enough usable space for luggage. And the oping is quite big compared to standard sliding roof.
The Baur conversion was done by using zinc-coted steel and all parts are durable (or was it high grade steel?). Some might object to this, but please remember, that the cars are now around 20 years old and that not every owner was careful when putting the roofs on and off. Parts can still be obtained from the BMW dealer, though some parts are not available right now. But with the help of the club or some friends and search most parts can be bought.
Again I can only repeat, that you own a car for all seasons (winter, spring, summer and autumn) in terms of your roof. Spring and autumn may only open the top roff or leave it there and open only the rear window. Both openings is clearly for summer usage. The top targa roof can be handled by a woman on their own, the winter hardtop is better installed by two persons (it can be done on your own when you are careful).
You have to be careful folding the soft top in order not to damage the plastic rear window.
Both hardtop roofs are made from Kevlar.
The 325iX specialities
This four wheel drive option is really something for the mature driver. Because of its higher complexity (remember: additional front axle and transfer case) and all the little specialities around the four wheel drive more parts can create trouble. You better drive carefully.
And remember, that because of its low volume production number of 34.862 (limousines and touring) and the low remaining number of cars in Germany, it is expensive to maintain. Nearly no meachnical parts of the two-wheel drive cars fit to it (other than engine parts). Fuel consumption normally is 1-2 litres higher than a 325i.
Changing cars from 316i to the 325iX one immedeately notices, that the whole car is a little clumsy in curves. Sterring effort is a little bit higher, which might be emphasized by the rim/tire combination (7,5x16/205/50-16).
Transmission noise and thus interior noise is (very) little higher than the two-wheel drive cars.
But in the wet and in winter (this car here does not see any usage in wet – if I can avoid it - or winter – which is does not see because of its registration from april to june) you own the king of the road. I can say this with confidence because I owned/own two other 325iX (one with automatic/one with manual transmission).
In the wet the car is fully controllable, you do not notice that the car is driving through deep puddles, you do not notice any influence of the engine, even when stepping full on power or in the steering.
In winter time, you can cross the hard, icy snow between two lanes on the highway without any deviation of the car.
Drive the car 10-20 km/h higher at speed as others do and you have anough safety reserve left.
But remember that it does not braker better than its two-wheel drive siblings.
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Zitat:What is needed urgently in every 325iX is more power and torque. Because the car has a higher weight and more gears to drive, you better opt for an improvement of the engine to 2,7 litres and around 200 hp.
Even with 2,7 litres it has more torque available, but nothing compared to the 850. Quick overtaking you better consider shifting gears.
Technical aspects of the 325iX
The four wheel drive system of the BMW is a direct derivation of the Jensen FF (Formula Ferguson) system of 1966, which was built in this luxury coupe at substantial additional cost.
The 325iX has a 37%/63% split in torque between front/rear as the Jensen FF already had. Instead of the 2 mechanical limited slip differentials of the FF BMW decided to go for viscous couplings for the transfer case and the rear differential. The front differential naturally is not of the limited slip type, otherwise steering would be influenced negatively.
Because of this arrangement no right-hand drive cars had been built (or left-hand drive Jensen FF’s) as this would have menat building a new transfer case and a new front axle.
As in 1966 when the motor press reported overwhelmingly on this Jensen FF, both cars can go up a 1in3 hill on grass without any problems. BMW used this feature in their introduction training video of the 325iX.
The same applies for snowy hills where a 325iX can still climb when others (naturally especiallly the front-wheel drive cars) cannot.
Sure, one feels that this car was developed early in the 80’s. But it still does perform so well, that I cannot see why I should change to a newer car. I like a car when I still feel, that I am driving. And this feeling is generally been lost with every BMW of the 90’s or newer.
These newer cars may be more perfect, but do you really need it?
And the good news really is, how many parts after this long period after the end of production are still available from BMW. One cannot say this of other manufacturers (e.g. Audi, the French companies, the Italians etc. besides Mercedes naturally).
A last look at the car
Sitting in the evening sun, chaning its silver color a little to gold.
Parking in supermarket parking lots always – if ever – is done in a distance from other cars.
Changing roof color – a very last look
In order to change the somewhat masculine appearance of the car in its original color combination, I have now tried to soften this appearance somewhat by using the red color on the roof.
But I can be converted back to original.
RE: 325ix BAUR - Stefan R. - 16.11.2008
Hallo, auch ich habe Interesse (und das zu erwartende Weihnachtsgeld mit eingeplant). Das wird dann ja eine spannende Auktion werden.
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Ich hoffe ihr nimmt die Zeit um sein Story zu lesen. Ein Baur und BMW-liebhaber ist uns entfallen. Und in der Story wird auch mehr erzählt uber alles was er gemacht hat an der 325iX Baur.
Gr Jeroen
RE: 325ix BAUR - Klause - 16.11.2008
Hallo zusammen,
ich war gerade in Konstanz und habe mir den Wagen angeschaut.
Der Wagen steht aktuell bei der Exfrau von Bernd Thormann in einer Tiefgarage, dies seit Ostern '08. Um den Verkauf bemüht sich seine Tochter. Leider haben beide nicht vom Club gewusst, daher wurde das Fahzeug auch nicht über den Club angeboten sondern ist direkt in Ebay angeboten worden.
Über das Auto an sich muss ich glaube ich nicht viel schreiben. Wie ich das hier sehe, ist die Historie des Fahzeugs sehr gut bekannt. Der Wagen ist in einem tollen Zustand, soweit wie ich das beurteilen kann. Ich habe keinen Rost entdecken können, Schweller, Türen, Heckblech sehen tiptop aus. Der Motorraum und der Innenraum sind sehr sauber. Hier wurde ein Auto nicht nur sauber gehalten, sondern GEPFLEGT. Fahren konnte ich den Wagen leider nicht, da dank der langen Standzeit die Batterie keinen Saft mehr hat.
Zum Auspuff: Der Wagen wurde von Herrn Thormann in seiner Wahlheimat Ungarn gefahren und dieses Jahr Ostern nach Deutschland rücküberführt. Anscheinend wurden damals vor Ort einfach nur 2 Endrohre an den Pott geschweisst und gut. Interessiert dort wohl niemanden Das der Wagen mal wieder in D zum Verkauf stehen würde hat zu der Zeit niemand gedacht und auch die Familie hat dies natürlich nicht gewusst beim Versuch, den Wagen dann hier zum TÜV zu bringen. Daher ist hier Handlungsbedarf.
Zusätzlich zum verbauten Radsatz sind noch ein Satz Kreuzspeichenfelgen und ein Satz... Z1 Felgen? mit im Angebot. So ähnlich sehen die aus, ich bin mir grad nicht sicher.
EDIT: Grad gesehen: dürfte der Satz Reifen sein, der weiter oben im Thread auf dem 316er verbaut sind.
Reifen auf beiden Sätzen sehen sehr ordentlich aus, ich hab aber nicht geguckt, was es genau für Reifen sind. Dem Profil nach zu urteilen sind auf den Z1-Felgen Sommerreifen.
Ansonten gibts zu dem Fahrzeug nicht so viel zu berichten. Hinten rechts hat sich ein Platten eingeschlichen und der Fahrersitz rastet nur ganz hinten in der letzten Position ein.
Dies zum Fahrzeug. Frau Thormann äusserte den Wunsch, dass der Wagen in gute Hände kommt und war recht angetan davon, dass der Wagen hier im Club für Interesse sorgt. Ich habe ihr versprochen, dass ich ihr vom Aussgang der Auktion berichte, bleibe also weiter in telefonischem Kontakt mit der Familie. Hier kann ich auch sicher weitere Fragen oder eventuelle Angebote vermitteln.
Noch was: Bernd Thormann hatte in Ungarn eine Werkstatt, in der immer noch sehr viele (teils original verpackte) Ersatzteile liegen. Hiervon gibt es Fotos und diese bekomme ich wahrscheinlich in einer Woche. Diese Teile suchen auch einen Käufer. Dies nur zu eurer Information. Fragen kann ich hier sicher weiterleiten bzw. einen Kontakt für jemanden mit Interesse herstellen.
Hoffe, ich konnte helfen.
Der Wagen wird übrigens aus Platzmangel verkauft. Fam. Thormann zieht ende des Monats um und daher fällt der Tiefgaragenplatz weg.
Bei Fragen einfach melden.
RE: 325ix BAUR - Stefan R. - 16.11.2008
Vielen Dank für die Begutachtung! Hoffentlich sieht man den Wagen auf den nächsten Treffenn einmal live. Gruß Stefan
RE: 325ix BAUR - Rainer H - 16.11.2008
Ich und Karin kannten Bernd Persönlich auch von uns ein Herzliches
Beileid an die Fam. Thormann
zu meiner Absicht! Wenn das mit dem IS nichts wird , werde ich versuchen Ihn zu bekommen , mein Max ist bekannt, ich werde mir im Fall der Fälle
vorbehalten noch was drauf zu legen!
Gruß Rainer
RE: 325ix BAUR - TC1 No38 - 16.11.2008
Hallo Felix,
Danke für die Bemühungen und die Infos.
Es ist doch nett zu wissen, dass sich aus dem Club-Bereich so viele Interessenten um den iX kümmern möchten
Morgen wissen wir mehr. .....
Gruß, Markus
RE: 325ix BAUR - Pit-der Mohr - 16.11.2008
Zitat:Ich und Karin kannten Bernd Persönlich auch von uns ein Herzliches
Beileid an die Fam. Thormann
zu meiner Absicht! Wenn das mit dem IS nichts wird , werde ich versuchen Ihn zu bekommen , mein Max ist bekannt, ich werde mir im Fall der Fälle
vorbehalten noch was drauf zu legen!
Gruß Rainer
Hallo Rainer,
...mir nicht, oder habe ich es überlesen...?
Vielleicht magst du es mir ja PN mitteilen...!?
Wie ich oben schon angeführt habe, tut es ja nicht not das wir uns gegenseitig das (Ebay-)Leben schwermachen...!
Bin allerdings erst ab morgen / späten Mittag wieder Online.
Gruß, Pit
RE: 325ix BAUR - Baur - 16.11.2008
Zitat:Zitat:Ich und Karin kannten Bernd Persönlich auch von uns ein Herzliches
Beileid an die Fam. Thormann
zu meiner Absicht! Wenn das mit dem IS nichts wird , werde ich versuchen Ihn zu bekommen , mein Max ist bekannt, ich werde mir im Fall der Fälle
vorbehalten noch was drauf zu legen!
Gruß Rainer
Hallo Rainer,
...mir nicht, oder habe ich es überlesen...?
Vielleicht magst du es mir ja PN mitteilen...!?
Wie ich oben schon angeführt habe, tut es ja nicht not das wir uns gegenseitig das (Ebay-)Leben schwermachen...!
Bin allerdings erst ab morgen / späten Mittag wieder Online.
Gruß, Pit
6k euro würde ich also sagen.
Gr Jeroen
RE: 325ix BAUR - Pit-der Mohr - 16.11.2008
...bei der letzten (oder vorletzten?) Auktion war der Sofortkaufpreis übrigens 3.900,- ...!
Wenn ich das Angebot noch finde, schaue ich morgen mal nach.
Jetzt habe ich Feierabend - die "freiwilligen" Arbeitsdienste daheim warten....!
Gruß, Pit
RE: 325ix BAUR - Lutz - 16.11.2008
Wie ich gerade feststellen mußte, habe ich Bernd Thormann gekannt. Ich war mir bisher nicht sicher, erst als ich seinen automobilen Werdegang las
Zitat:-BMW 2002ti Alpina 1976-1996 chamonix white 085,
habe ich ihn wiedererkannt. Ich kannte ihn von 02-Treffen im tiefsten Südwesten der Republik.
Seiner Familie gilt mein tiefes Mitgefühl.
Ich hoffe, sein 325ix Baur und auch die Teile in der Werkstatt kommen in gute Hände!