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Sound System - Hilfe !!!
Ich will Dich ja nicht desillusionieren:

Auch in alten BMWs ist schon jede Menge Lucas drin. In meinem E34 bremse ich mit Lucas. Übrigens: Ich bremse wirklich immer noch mit Lucas, allerdings auch mit Angst und Bangen - war es doch ein Lucas-Bremskraftverstärker (1 Jahr, 12.000 km), der mich vor 15 Jahren auf einer kurvigen Landstrasse bergab plötzlich verliess ...

Obwohl es die Firma Bremsen-Lucas so eigentlich gar nicht mehr gibt - das wurde längst von den verschrienen Eletro-Lucassen abgespalten und inzwischen heissen die Jungs TRW und machen so ziemlich alles, was bei Autos möglichst mit Sicherheit zu tun haben sollte. Auch z.B. Airbags und Sicherheitsgurte (diese Sparte hiess übrigens mal REPA).

Zu den Elektro-Lucassen hier ein Zitat einer Englischen Lucas-Fanseite:

The Lucas motto: "Get home before dark."

Lucas denies having invented darkness. But they do still have a claim to "sudden, unexpected darkness."

Lucas -- inventor of the first intermittent wiper.

Lucas -- inventor of the self-dimming headlamp.

The three-position Lucas switch -- DIM, FLICKER and OFF.

The other three switch settings -- SMOKE, SMOLDER and IGNITE.

The original anti-theft devices -- Lucas Electric products.

"I've had a Lucas pacemaker for years and have never experienced any prob...."

If Lucas made guns, wars would not start either.

Did you hear about the Lucas-powered torpedo? It sank.

It's not true that Lucas, in 1947, tried to get Parliament to repeal Ohm's Law. They withdrew their efforts when they met too much resistance.

Did you hear the one about the guy that peeked into a Land Rover and asked the owner, "How can you tell one switch from another at night, since they all look the same?" He replied, "It doesn't matter which one you use, nothing happens anyway!"

Back in the '70s Lucas decided to diversify its product line and began manufacturing vacuum cleaners. It was the only product they offered which didn't suck.

Quality Assurance phoned and advised the Engineering guy that they had trouble with his design shorting out. So he made the wires longer.

Why do the English drink warm beer? Lucas makes refrigerators, too.

Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. Joseph Lucas invented the short circuit.

Recommended procedure before taking on a repair of Lucas equipment: check the position of the stars, kill a chicken and walk three times sunwise around your car chanting: "Oh mighty Prince of Darkness protect your unworthy servant."

Lucas systems actually uses AC current; it just has a random frequency.

Wohl dem Synodalen, der nichts zu sagen hat und der dennoch schweigt. (Gustav Heinemann)

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Nick - 29.03.2005, 22:16
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Anderl - 30.03.2005, 00:24
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Nick - 31.03.2005, 23:06
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Anonymer User - 01.04.2005, 11:57
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Eddy - 01.04.2005, 14:06
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Ralf - 01.04.2005, 14:53
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Anonymer User - 02.04.2005, 10:35
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Eddy - 02.04.2005, 12:48
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von Daniel_325i - 03.04.2005, 00:14
RE: Sound System - Hilfe !!! - von EE Targa - 03.04.2005, 18:23

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